

Let All Your Assets Be Under Your Control

Always stay updated and aware of where and how your assets are with InfoAsset, the powerful cloud-based asset management software.

InfoAsset - Asset Management Software Dashbord Screenshot

Single-Stop Asset Management Solution

The one-stop solution for managing, tracking, and reporting the usage of assets in an organization.

Efficient Resource Allocation

Optimize the allocation and utilization of assets to ensure the person and location of each asset managed.

Maximized Asset Utilization

Easily identify both actively used and underutilized assets to reduce inefficiencies.

Insights into InfoAssets

it’s time to say goodbye to traditional ways like paper and excel for tracking assets in an organization and get ready to embrace the modern way. InfoAsset is an advanced and innovative software solution for enabling all-sized organizations to efficiently manage and track their assets.

Simplify Asset Management

The comprehensive solution for managing assets, eliminates the need to store them in Excel/paper.

Real-Time Asset Monitoring

InfoAsset simplifies asset monitoring by generating real-time data about assets and their users.

Download Brochure
All type of Assets that can be Manage by InfoAsset

A Quick Guide to InfoAsset

Asset Management Login Page Screenshot

Login Page

Users are required to enter their username and password to access the software.

Ensures secure authentication

Ensure user-specific interactions

Prevents unauthorized access.


User Registration

A page for capturing user information. You need to provide the necessary details here.

Quick & easy registration

Extreme security for user information

User Registration in Asset Management Software
Asset Registration Section in InfoAsset


Users categorize and input details of assets into the software.

Fully customizable

User friendly interface

More effective & poerwfull


Asset Tracking

Allowing for accurate monitoring of asset usage, location, and status throughout their lifecycle.

Real-Time Monitoring

Streamlines asset management

Helps prevent loss

Asset Tracking Section in InfoAsset
Report Section in InfoAsset Management Software


Automatically generates and shows on this page detailed reports on assets

Providing insights into asset utilization

Helps analyze overall performance

Support informed decision-making



Administrators can assign specific roles and permissions to users.

Controlling users' access

Secures sensitive information

Helps assign specific tasks to users

Role Management Section in InfoAsset Management Solution

Key Highlights

The InfoAssets software is designed to offer the best user experience ever. Here are some of its key highlights that differentiate us from others.

Asset Portfolio Management

Helps manage asset portfolios in a comprehensive, balanced way that improves efficiency in managing office assets.

Single View of Assets

InfoAsset provides insight into asset usage that is visible on a single page of the software, which helps users identify and monitor assets simply

Barcode Scanning Facility

Hardware assets will contain barcodes to provide details of their usage by barcode scanning.

User Friendliness

Users can easily handle the software and simply understand as well as monitor the data shown.

InfoAsset Set Up Guide

How to get into the Asset Management software

You can get into the InfoAsset software in just 3 simple steps, that are as follows:

  • Log In with Username and Password

    Enter your username and password on the login page to start using InfoAsset. Upon verification of your credentials, you will gain access to the platform.

  • Navigate the Dashboard

    Once you log in, the dashboard will appear. This is your main control center, where you can find various icons representing different features and tools.

  • Enjoy the Features

    Start managing your valuable assets at your office. With the dashboard at your fingertips, you can now fully explore and utilize InfoAsset's features.

Pricing Plan

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$ 29.99 / Month
Dashbaord with Asset overview
GRN Entry
Transfer Approval & Gatepass
Transfer Receipt
Physical Verification/Stock Audit
Service Call Management
Service Standby Tracking
Get Started


$ 49.99 / Month
Bootstrap v5
Responsive Layout
Cross-browser Support
Remove Author's Credit
PHP & Ajax Contact Form
6 Months Free Support
Get Started


$ 79.99 / Month
Bootstrap v5
Responsive Layout
Cross-browser Support
Remove Author's Credit
PHP & Ajax Contact Form
6 Months Free Support
Get Started

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Please feel free to reach out to us via call or email. We value your feedback and are here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.

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